The Main Street Academy

(Not Active) Communications Committee

Regular Meeting - Monday May 14th, 2018 @6:00 PM

Meeting Minutes

Attendance Summary

Name Status Arrival Time Departure Time
Tha Vin present On Time At Adjournment
Stacy Kerber not present
Jamila Jackson present On Time At Adjournment
Anne H Goehring present On Time At Adjournment
Chandra Graves present On Time At Adjournment
Alicia Jones Hicks present On Time At Adjournment
Lera Middlebrooks present On Time At Adjournment
Sabrina Wilson present On Time At Adjournment
Michelle Brown not present
Noel Mayeske not present

Discuss integrated communications w/ Educational Networks

Develop proposal with 2 other software providers

By: Jamila Jackson Seconded by: Anne H Goehring

The Digital Social Tech subcommittee will interview 2 other content management systems that can offer integrated communications.

Lead by @j

Recap from April Meeting

  • Discuss BaseCamp pilot

BaseCamp is now the primary collaboration tool for volunteer-led or powered initiatives. It is a central storage place for documents, assets or information that needs to be shared internally among the working group.

@Chandra Graves @Alicia Jones Hicks @Laura Calloway: Transfer PTO documents to BaseCamp

@Anne H Goehring : Silent Auction Team

  • Review subcommittee alignment

Members didn't know about the meeting because we weren't sure whether or not the BaseCamp pilot would continue. Once the school purchased an enterprise account, everyone now understands BaseCamp is the primary platfor

We reviewed how the subcommittees roll-up to the strategic plan.

Strategic Imperative : Enhance Teacher-Student Communications

Digital Social Tech: Integrate communication channels

Members: @Jamila Jackson @Chandra Graves @Sabrina Wilson

Marketing & Brand: Coordinate communications through editorial calendar

@Alicia Jones Hicks @Noel Mayeske @Stacy Kerber

Analytics & Research Goal: Gather and analyze data

@Anne H Goehring @Laura Calloway @Cheryl Parker @Jamil Johnson-Pearson

Public Relations Goal: Develop Public Relations kit

@Michelle Brown @Lera Middlebrooks

Develop subcommittee playbooks

  1. Discuss purpose
  2. Communicate what each subcommittee is doing
  3. Align under the strategic plan
  4. Brainstorm components of the playbook
  5. Strategic Imperative: Enhance Teacher/Student Experience through communications (Note: this applies to every subcommittee)
  6. Timing
  7. Policy Proposal
  8. Considerations
  9. Can you pilot before launch?
  10. Will you need to publish a request for proposal?
  11. How will you socialize and get buy-in?
  12. Where will you store your documents?
  13. Who will lead the development of the playbook?

Approve Subcommittee Leads & Committee Roles

By: Anne H Goehring Seconded by: Sabrina Wilson

Digital Social Tech (@Jamila Jackson )

Marketing & Brand (@Alicia Jones Hicks)
Analytics & Research (@Anne H Goehring)
Public Relations (@Michelle Brown)

Vice-Chair (@Stacy Kerber)
Secretary (@Jamila Jackson)

The Meeting was Adjourned

The meeting adjourned at approximately 1:55 pm

Motion to adjourn

By: Jamila Jackson Seconded by: Lera Middlebrooks

There was no notable discussion on the motion.